Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the most frequently asked medical questions we have received from our customers. If you don’t see your question answered here, contact us and we can help you out.
If your emergency is life-threatening or if you need paramedic assistance, please dial 911.
We accept most insurance cards. However, verification of benefits is needed before appointments.
We accept cash (both USD and KYD), debit cards, and Visa or Mastercard credit cards. We do not accept American Express.
Please contact the office to enquire about our prescription refill policy.
You will need to make an appointment with one of our doctors for an assessment and they will determine the appropriate referral for you.
Yes. We do medicals for new work permits, renewals and permanent residency. Every case is different so please check with immigration as to their requirements before you come in for your appointment. We have the relevant forms here but they are available on the government website or via the link in our Forms section. You will need to fill out the first page.
You will need to bring an official ID document, plus your health insurance card and any recent reports and test results from any other doctors that you may have seen, which may be relevant to your condition. We will also need to know a list of all medications, both prescription and over the counter, that you have been taking as well as any supplements. If you are a known diabetic or have hypertension and are on treatment for either of these, it would be beneficial to have your records and are required to take your glucose readings at home, please bring this log with you. Patients with blood pressure problems are also required to bring their home logs to their visits.